General Information
The Street division of the Public Works Department, under the leadership of the Street Supervisor who reports to the City Engineer, maintains city streets and constructs, repairs and cleans sidewalks, shoulders, storm drains, driveways, curbing, gutters, culverts, and drainage systems. Additionally, the Street division is responsible for all street signage within the city limits except from I-19, Patagonia Highway (SR82) Grand Avenue (SR B19) and Mariposa Road (SR 189) that are ADOT’s right-of-ways. Additional responsibilities area daily streets sweeping with a concentration on arterial and collector roadways, provide support for community events in the form of manpower and equipment, continue with the current crack sealing and resurfacing programs, provide pavement striping and marking. The street division supports the utilities department with pavement repairs after a water or sewer repair is complete.
The mission of the Street division of the Public Works Department is to maintain safe traffic and pedestrian friendly roads and walkways while ensuring the adequate and timely drainage of storm water from city streets.