Development Code – Article I, Introduction
“Zoning has three aims: (1) to assure orderly community growth and thereby to safeguard the general public welfare; (2) to regulate the use of private property thereby protecting the community against the harmful invasion of buildings and structures; and, (3) to conserve property values. Zoning must be flexible where practicable and should be used to enforce sound land use policies as determined by an appropriate general plan. The zoning regulations in the ordinance must be comprehensive in character. It should be applied to the entire city in a uniform manner. Sporadic or piecemeal zoning should be considered carefully to insure zoning district integrity, complementing the current use of the land and using the land to the best advantage of all uses, blending into a cohesive and functional pattern.”
Below is a representation of the steps used from the first conversation with a person (s) interested in developing land or improving existing properties. Each step has its own applicable checklist of items needed to start a project. After the first conversation, the Pre-Application Process is always recommended.
Applications Forms:
Pre-Application – Site Plan Review – Signs – Conditional Use – Rezoning – Variances – Special Use Permit – Subdivision Plat – Lot Splits – General Plan Amendments